Seeing colored objets
Light separation
It is the separation of white light into seven colors called spectrum colors
Seeing the color of objects
Have you see colors?
You see the colors because the white light is composed of the seven colors of spectrum. bring a glass bottle as that in the next picture(fig.12)it is a transparent glass container.
Sun light
Is formed of seven colors which are
1-red 2-orange 3-yellew 4
Rain bow
-gren 5-blue 6-indigo 7-violet.
Is prodced whn white sun light passes fromm the drops of rain water to air and it consists of seven spectrum colors.
Light separation
It is the separation of white light into seven colors called spectrum colors
Seeing the color of objects
Have you see colors?
You see the colors because the white light is composed of the seven colors of spectrum. bring a glass bottle as that in the next picture(fig.12)it is a transparent glass container.
Sun light
Is formed of seven colors which are
1-red 2-orange 3-yellew 4
Rain bow
-gren 5-blue 6-indigo 7-violet.
Is prodced whn white sun light passes fromm the drops of rain water to air and it consists of seven spectrum colors.